Associate v1.2 - File Utility This program will allow you to set up file associations in Windows 95 with much greater accuracy and ease than Windows 95 provides. DiskCopy V4.0 DiskCopy is a simple little 32-Bit program for creating duplicate disks. Unlike Explorer, which needs to read the source disk for each disk you wish to create, DiskCopy prompts you for the number of copies you have in mind, making for a much quicker operation. Formpost Edit V1.6 - Web Form Text Editor FormPost Edit is a special text editor for contending with posted Web forms. In addition to the many standard editing capabilities that the program has, its specialty is interpreting the extraneous characters contained in posted Web forms, turning them into readable text. CT Calendar V1.5 - Desktop Calendar CT Calendar is, well, a calendar for your desktop. We have tried to keep it small enough to keep on your desktop, if you wish, but large enough to read without a magnifying glass. Winsock Swapper V1.7 The purpose of this program is to automate the process of swapping various WINSOCK.DLL files for those of you who use more than one Internet service provider with your default Web Browser. With one quick double-click, you can swap up to three DLL’s, and optionally launch your browser. Hotspot V2.2 - Screensaver utility The function of this program is to create hotspots which will allow the user to turn his screensaver on and off simply by placing the cursor in a predefined corner. The VB4 Runtime Module, VB40032.DLL, is required to run this program.